Statement From Colm Neville
Chief Executive Officer, Midlands Park Hotel
At Midlands Park Hotel, we care deeply about our team of Employees, our communities, and our guests. When we were asked to close, back at the outset of the current pandemic, we did so with a very heavy heart but knew it was the right thing to do, both in the interests of our colleagues and the wider community. We also knew that asking approximately 200 team members to stay home was very challenging, but they too have understood the importance of the task in hand and have risen to the occasion admirably. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their understanding and support right through this crisis.
We salute our Government, both National and Local, for making the difficult decisions and taking early action to curtail the Virus. I believe their decisions continue to save lives through avoidance of the Health Service being overrun by numbers of cases, as was the case in some of our neighbouring European counties.
Locally, Laois is exceptionally well positioned relative to many other counties, in so much as we have to date, been close to the bottom of case numbers per capita, perhaps because of our sparse population density and prevalence of open space with excellent walking and cycling trails, for people to safely enjoy in the heart of the country.
We do of course spare a thought for all our front-line workers who have selflessly gone to work daily to fight our battle for us! To you all, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
I would like to assure you that myself and our teams are now working to develop enhanced operating procedures which place the safety of our colleagues and guests at the heart of everything we do. We have always prided ourselves on the reputation of caring for everyone, this now, more than ever is paramount in all aspects of our considerations. Through the Irish Hotel Federation and Failte Ireland, we will be liaising with the Department of Health to agree on a comprehensive re-opening protocol which will, without doubt, prove safe for colleagues and guests alike. We will share this agreed protocol with all concerned when it is approved as the guiding document, for your own reassurance.
While we fully appreciate that it is imperative to ‘flatten the curve’ of case occurrence and reopening depends fully on science and data leading us out of this in a safe fashion, I just want to reassure all, that when that time comes Midlands Park Hotel will have all procedures and training in place to operate a safe and healthy environment for all to enjoy.
We can’t wait to welcome all our colleagues back to work and as for our guests, we thoroughly miss you all and look forward to treating you to a joyous and wonderful break from all the interminable gloom that surrounds us just now.
This crisis will ease, and we here at Midlands Park Hotel are busy right now readying ourselves to take perfect care of you and welcome you all back to our beautiful county to enjoy our rural open spaces and award winning restaurants, but only when the time is right of course!
Yours in hospitality,
Colm Neville.
Chief Executive Officer, Midlands Park Hotel.